Useful tools, Wellbeing

Pool safety for kids

06 September, 2025

pool safety

It goes without saying that water safety for kids is important. But it’s especially true here in Australia, where so many backyards have swimming pools. Here, we provide the ultimate breakdown of how and why to teach your children water safety.


Why water safety for kids matters

Swimming and hanging out by the water are a quintessential part of Australian culture and family life. As such, it’s important to teach swimming safety to your children and be aware of it yourself. While children should be aware of water safety kids aren’t the only ones – parents need to keep it front of mind, too. Take caution around any pool, and teach your children to do the same. Even a small amount of water in a blow up pool can be deep enough for a young child to drown, so it’s important to be vigilant.


Strategies for preventing children from drowning

There are many strategies you should employ to teach your kid water safety. For starters, make sure you supervise them attentively around water. Restrict their access to water unless you are watching them (pool gates and fences are essential) and enrol them in swimming lessons as soon as you can. As a parent or guardian, it is also a good idea to learn CPR so that you know what to do in case of an emergency.


Keeping children safe around swimming pools

A key component of pool safety for kids is familiarity with the water. Make sure your children spend supervised time around water to help them understand swimming safety. For children who are young or can’t swim confidently, make sure they are always wearing floaties. When you aren’t by the pool, ensure it is properly fenced and that the gate is closed properly. Before you leave the pool, remove any pool toys – they can tempt unsupervised children to jump into the pool. Similarly, empty the water from blow up pools after you’ve finished swimming.


How to supervise your children while swimming

It isn’t enough to be within earshot of the swimming pool, or to glance back every now and then. Supervision means having swimming children constantly in your eyesight, and within arm’s reach. Even if you’re at a pool party or a public pool with a lifeguard, never assume that someone else is supervising your children unless an adult has put their hand up to do so. If you need to leave the pool area, even just for a moment, take your children with you. It just isn’t worth the risk.

Check out this guide to starting swimming lessons!

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