Useful tools
Education, Useful tools
04 May, 2025
Learning how to tie their own shoes is an important step in your child’s independence. Not only does it help them dress themselves at home, but it also helps them feel more independent (and confident) at school.
When we teach kids how to tie shoes, we also help them improve their visual memory, build sequencing skills, sharpen their motor planning and even lengthen their attention span.
Of course, teaching your child to tie their shoes isn’t always an easy task (in fact, it rarely is!). Children can get easily frustrated when they’re learning a new skill, especially one that is as complicated as tying their shoelaces.
Luckily, with these tried and tested tips, your child will be tying their own shoes in no time.
As is the case with just about every developmental milestone, there is no specific age that your child should be tying their shoes by. In saying that, you can start introducing them to the skills they’ll need to master to tie their shoes – like fine motor skills, memory skills, and sequencing skills – from a very young age. Activities like building with blocks and drawing following instructions are great for this.
Typically, most children are ready to tie their own shoes at around five or six years old. Don’t be discouraged if your child doesn’t seem ready by that age, though – their developmental skills are a much more reliable benchmark.
Watch how they are progressing in areas like hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and using both hands for activities. You’ll soon work out when you can start teaching them to tie their shoes. If your child seems to be struggling, their pediatrician can provide activities to help them improve these skills.
Of course, it is convenient if your child can tie their shoes before they start school but don’t feel the need to pressure them into advancing faster than they are naturally able to. They’ll get there eventually! These activities are a huge help…
This shoe tying technique has been around for ages, and for good reason – it’s seriously effective for teaching children to tie their shoes! Here’s how to do it…
While the bunny-ears technique is a favourite, it won’t work for every child. Sometimes, you’ll need to recruit other methods. Here are a few to keep in mind…
At Edge Early Learning, we employ an inquiry-based approach. Children are encouraged to ask questions, explore new ideas, and learn through play. Our educators start by posing questions or scenarios to trigger curiosity and encourage children to investigate their findings.
This type of dynamic learning is particularly beneficial in developing problem solving and communication skills and is well suited to teaching skills like how to tie their shoes. Click here to find out more about our approach.