Five ways to savour the last of summer
11 February, 2021

Summer is almost over but before the winter chill sets in, make the most of the warm weather with one of these five family-friendly activities.
Go fishing
Warm afternoons spent casting a line by the water are what summer dreams are made of, don’t you think? Here in South-East Queensland, we’re blessed with fishing spots galore. Fishing is a great activity for the whole family, too – while your older children are getting the hang of threading bait and feeling for bites, your little ones can splash around in the shallows with a bucket and spade. The best part is, when you’re done, you get to reap the delicious rewards!
With a picnic or a barbecue
Whether you head out into the sunshine or stay home and set up a picnic in your living room or backyard, a picnic is a great way to turn a mundane meal into a fun holiday activity, while also clearing out the fridge! We personally love packing up the car with food and a hot plate and getting a taste of #vanlife, but you could also head to your local park to make use of the barbeque – because it isn’t an Aussie summer without one.
Visit a market
Yes, markets are a year-round occurrence here in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, but we particularly love strolling through the offerings of fresh fruit and veggies on a summery weekend morning. Chat to your local vendors, brows the homemade wares and delicacies and enjoy a picnic meal from one of the stalls while the children run amok – it’s such a fun way to spend the day! When darkness falls, gather the children and hit up your local night market – they’re filled funky food and culture to satisfy your cravings.
Visit a water park
‘Tis the season to grab your sun shirt and swimmers and head to your local water park. From the Broadbeach Rock Pools and South Bank’s Streets Beach – complete with winding pools for swimmers large and small – we’ve got so many great (and free!) watering holes to choose from. For an at-home alternative, why not set up a backyard slip’n’slide?! All you need is some soft grass, a tarp, water (leftover from your showers is best) and suds. You know what to do…
Go to the beach, or for a beach drive
It may seem obvious, but how could we leave it off the list?! Whether you set up camp for the day or pack up the car and hit the road or the sand, there’s no time like summer for soaking up the beautiful beaches our corner of the world has to offer. While you’re there, enjoy some classic beach games like cricket or Finska, or try your hand at a water-based activity like surfing!
Have a sandcastle competition
Savour your last chance to spend hours upon hours at the beach and get the children involved in a sandcastle building competition! Split into teams – or go solo – and spend some time combing the beach for decorations that have washed ashore (think shells, cuttlefish, seaweed and other unique finds), then get to work building your own beach castles. Award points for creativity, technique and scale, and go head-to-head to see who is the master (sandcastle) builder in your family.