Arts and Crafts, Education
Arts and Crafts, Useful tools
DIY teacher gifts they’ll love
01 December, 2020
How do you show your child’s teacher just how much you appreciate them? With a lovingly made gift at the end of the year, of course! These teacher gift ideas are creative and considered, providing the perfect activity for you and your children and the perfect present for their teacher.
Potted herbs
The perfect teacher gift is both practical and heartfelt, and these potted herb mugs by Cul-de-sac Cool are a great middle ground. All you need is a printer, some card stock or photo paper, scissors, herbs, a few small pots or coffee mugs, string and double-sided tape – it’s so simple! And, like any good teacher gift, it involves some great puns.
Chill pills
Think about how much your head hurts after a full day looking after your children, then multiply that by 30 or so… yep, it goes without saying that your child’s teacher deserves a special treat at the end of the year. These chill pill jars by Cook, Craft, Love will be a welcome addition to her desk, and they’re so easy to make!
A movie kit
There’s no better way to unwind than with a trip to the movies, and these movie kits dreamt up my Crisp Collective are the perfect addition to your standard movie voucher. Add some tasty movie snacks and microwave popcorn to a plastic popcorn box to create movie magic for your child’s teacher!
Painted mason jars
Sometimes, the simpler a gift is, the better. These gorgeous painted mason jars from Just Bright Ideas are the perfect starting point for any teacher gift – you can design whatever you like on the front of them, or keep them plain, and fill them up with whatever you think your child’s teacher will like the most!
But first… coffee.
For any job, but particularly for teachers, coffee is key – which is why these knit coffee cup cosies by Good Knit Kisses are the perfect handmade gift! This basic pattern is a great way to teach your children how to knit, and you can pop them onto a reusable coffee cup and fill it with instant coffee grounds or a café gift card to create a thoughtful teacher gift pack.